
Prosthetic Care Facility of Virginia Issued Trademark for Destination Prosthetics®
December 31st 2015
The Prosthetic Care Facility of Virginia announced today that the United States Patent and Trademark Office has issued a trademark to the company for the name, Destination Prosthetics®.
Destination Prosthetics is a special program designed for amputees who want to achieve mobility, but are unable to receive the rehabilitation care…

Medicare Proposal Petition
August 13th 2015
A petition to the White House has been started to seek awareness about the proposed Medicare changes. This is an important first step. The White House needs to understand many people this impacts. The petition needs 100,000 signatures by August 31st to get a response from the White House. So…

This Woman Found a Fantastic Way to Use Her Donated Prosthetic Legs
August 25th 2014
When Lacey Phipps made the difficult decision to amputate both her legs, she hoped it would improve her quality of life. Thanks to the help of generous strangers, she was right. Now, she’s trying to give back.
Phipps, 23, spent most of her life with two clubfeet, a condition that left her…
Amputees Pushing the "Limb-its"
August 15th 2014
On a mission to bring awareness and raise funds, Leslie Mooney and Lacey Phipps are pushing beyond their own limits, biking 340 miles from Pittsburgh to Washington, D.C. in just one week.
Recharging before day four of their trek the pair of lower leg amputees stopped in Shepherdstown Tuesday morning…

In pain and forced to use a wheelchair, a young woman opts to amputate her clubfeet
May 5th 2014
For most of her teens, Lacey Phipps couldn’t get out of her wheelchair, afflicted by twisted, deformed clubfeet so severe that 11 surgeries failed to fix them. She saw orthopedist after orthopedist. She downed pain pills and went under the knife for corrective surgeries that never helped. Then, in July…